August 11, 2022
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the remaining days of summer and had an enjoyable and restful time.
As the school year is about to begin, so, too, is our Parish Religious Education Program (PREP). We will begin, as always, with Mass, on Sunday, September 11 at 6 pm in Annunciation Church. At that time our 8th graders will participate in the annual Inscription Service, where they will publicly proclaim their intentions to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. All parents and family members are invited to attend. This Mass will fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation.
8th grade is an important transition year in the life of your children. While their attendance at PREP comes to a close, it does not mean their obligation to their Church is ending; to the contrary, it is just beginning. Following Confirmation your children are invited to consider becoming an altar server, lector, or serving the Parish in some other way.
As you were informed at the conclusion the 2021-2022 PREP year, there are several elements your children will have to complete in order to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They include:
Choice of a Confirmation Name (MUST be a canonized Saint)
Choice of a Sponsor (MUST be a Catholic in good standing)
10 hours of Community Service
A 200-word, hand-written essay on the Saint they have chosen for their Confirmation Name
Memorizing the 9 Confirmation questions prescribed by the Diocese (attached)
All of this information MUST be presented on the first night of PREP.
Click here for the Registration Form. The fee for 8th grade is waived, but the forms MUST be completed and returned to the Parish office, or placed in the collection at weekend Mass, no later than September 5.
As always, thank you for entrusting the religious education of your children to us. We look forward to seeing your children for another successful PREP year. Feel free to reach out with any questions.
Eileen Barlow, DRE/ 8th Grade Catechist
I'm always looking forward to helping you and your child grown in faith. Let's connect.
Eileen Barlow, Director of Religious Education (DRE)