Please contact the Parish Office at 570-874-0610 for additional information or to join the following groups.
Children's Liturgy of the Word (Allelu!) is offered every Sunday at the 11:00 Mass. Children in Pre-K through 2nd grade are welcome to give it a try. Children attend mass with their families and Father "dismisses" them after the opening prayer. The children exit Mass and work as a group with their catechists by hearing the children's version of that Sunday's readings and a craft or game to help drive the lesson home. Children then return to Mass at Offertory and join their families for the remainder of the Liturgy. There is no cost and no registration - just come when you are there and enjoy!
Church Choir
Purpose: To enhance the celebration of the Mass with traditional and contemporary vocal and instrumental music.
Children's choir
Children's Choir is an opportunity for the parish children to "make a joyful noise" and lead the music ministry at Mass. Choir practices from October through April on Sunday evenings (when CCD is in session) from 5:00-5:50 in Annunciation BVM Church. The children sing at all of the Prep Masses during the school year. Children learn about the Liturgy and how to sing together as a choir. Contemporary and "kid-friendly" hymns are mastered. We have FUN! There are choir-appreciation treats throughout their season - ending with an ice cream social in May. Children in grades K through 8 are welcome.
The Study group
Learn more about our religion and its many facets and aspects. We meet for separate classes multiple times per year during the various seasons. Days and times may vary, contact the Parish Office for the most recent schedule.
Knights of Columbus, Fr. Sheridan Council #748
The Knights of Columbus Organization was founded on four principle: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. "The Knights was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works." (
Knights of Columbus auxiliary, Fr. Sheridan Council #748
Assist the Knights of Columbus in their charitable works and efforts and to provide a social and religious support environment for its members. The auxiliary is an active religious and civic organization providing service to the parish and to the community.
Catholic daughters, court of st. james 1029
Participate in the religious, charitable, and educational apostolate of the Church. Catholic Daughters of Americas engages in creative and spiritual programs which provide its members with the opportunity to develop their special God-given talents in a meaningful way to positively influence the welfare of the Church and all peoples throughout the world.
Novena and rosary group
Recitation of the Rosary, Special Novenas and the Divine Mercy Chaplet before 8:05 a.m. Mass on Weekdays (prayer begins at 7:15 a.m.) and 8:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays (prayer begins at 7:50 a.m.).
The Arimathean Society is named after Joseph of Arimathea. It is a lay organization that assists the Priest with funeral Masses and burials.
faith formation
Class is completed. Keep watching for updates for a new class.
extraordinary ministers of the eucharist (eucharistic ministers)
Assists the Pastor with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist during Holy Mass and at Nursing Homes, Shut-Ins, etc.
adoration group
Maintain vigilance at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet Monday though Wednesday & Friday, 1:00-4:00 pm, Thursday 9 am - 8 pm. Held at the St. Ann Church loctaion.
altar servers
Youth parishioners who have received First Holy Communion are trained to assist Father at the altar during Mass and Liturgical Ceremonies.
Provide the Readings, General Intercessions and a few other spoken parts of the Mass.
friends of st. joseph the worker
Assist in providing spiritual and social opportunities for the members of the parish and to render support to parish endeavors and activities.
festival crew
Planning, preparation, setup, operation, maintenance, teardown, and cleanup of the yearly parish festival. There's something for everyone to do. If you want to set up chairs and tables, clean up the outside kitchen area, build stands, make signs, sort supplies, clean equipment, run power cords and lights, take it all apart and pack it up for next year or any one of the hundred other jobs, come and help.
food prep crew
The preparation of food for yearly seasonal pierogie sales, the parish festival, yearly food sales and special events. We typically meet on Friday evenings during the colder weather but other evenings and some weekend days when special needs arise. The session are very informal with a "Come when you can and leave when you must" approach. Some people stop by to lend a hand for an hour a month, others are there for hours at a time when needed. Bring your own skills or just ask and we'll show you how.
bereavement group
Assist those in mourning, helping them journey through grief.